Salabhasana Yoga Poses - Yoga For Beginners

2012-06-12 607


The meaning of Salabha is locust in Sanskrit. In the final position of this Asana the shape of the body resembles a locust and hence it is called Salabhasana.

Technique :-

1. Take prone lying position, legs together, toes of the legs backward, sole towards the sky. Hands by the side, palms upward, fingers together the ground.

2. Folding both the hands at elbows bring them under the shoulder (as in Bhujangasana) fingers together, pointing forward

3. Now raise both the legs upward slowly without bending them at knees, and maintain.

4. Then bring the legs down slowly.

5. Salabhasana (Second techniqe)
The only difference in Salabhasana practised traditionally is in the position of hands. In this technique the legs are raised keeping hands straight by the side, closing the fists and fingers towards sky. The remaining technique is same.


1. In the begining (second technique) hands can be kept directly under the thighs which makes raising of legs easier.

2. The legs should not bend at knees.

3. While coming back to the original position bring the legs on the ground very slowly.

Benefits and Limitations:-

1. This strengthens the muscles of lower abdomen.

2. This is beneficial in digestion and removes constipation.

3. This gives strength to the lungs.

4. Those suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease or having complaint of asthma, should not practise it.

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