CERIS Guy Olivier Faure Negotiations Terrorism Terrorists wars Warfare International

2012-06-08 3

CERIS Interview Professor Guy Olivier Faure (Université Paris V Sorbonne): Asymmetric Warfare: Negotiating with Terrorists

Professor Guy Olivier Faure is an expert in the field of International Negotiation. He is a Professor of Sociology at the Sorbonne University, Paris V, Department of Social Sciences. He is also a visiting professor in a significant number of Universities all over the world. He lectured in various countries in Europe, in the US, in China and Latin America. He is the author, co-author and editor of a dozen of books and over 50 articles, including: Negotiating with terrorists: strategy tactics and politics (Taylor & Francis Group, 2010, co authored by William Zartman), La Negociation: regards sur sa diversité (Publibook, 2005). Moreover, he is a member of the editorial board of three major international journals: Negotiation Journal (Harvard, Cambridge); Group Decision and Negotiation (New York); International Negotiation (Washington).