Network Marketing Prospecting

2012-06-05 11 Yes it’s the dreaded term. The one action that all MLM members fear the most, and yet it’s the one they need to accomplish if their business is going to thrive. Network Marketing Prospecting for leads be they warm or cold is top of every daily to do list, so let’s get down to it.

The usual grind involves manually drawing up lists of friends, family members, work colleagues, or even folks you have had minimal contact with over the years, and then devising a plan to open up a conversation about your network marketing product or service.

Anyhow, one thing is clear, the best method for network marketing prospecting is now online. Think about it, the internet opens up the world to what you have to offer. And as long as you MLM company doesn’t require you to deliver products face to face, then you can take advantage of having a global audience from the comfort of your laptop.