The Big Boxing Fight Pacquiao/Bradley Jr Watch Your PC!

2012-06-03 159

Pretty soon the boxer will pass on the burger. He will deny the cheese. He
will skip the sushi that he adores, and he will not—as Sylvester Stallone did so memorably and nauseatingly in "Rocky"—
perfectly—I feel clean. It's a weird feeling, man. It's just a weird
Bradley, who lives and trains in Palm Springs, Calif., first experimented with a vegan diet in 2008, when he was readying
for a title fight in London, England. An adviser suggested that a vegan regimen would give him more energy and endurance.
Bradley was given a list of foods to consider.
By his own description a "meat and potatoes guy," Bradley was staggered to feel an almost-immediate surge in preparation
built an unblemished record of 28-0. For three months leading up to a bout, he will eat
"I'll still be a vegan even after the weigh-in," Bradley said.