Wonder Boy in Monster Land review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Wonder Boy in Monster Land, part of Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World for XBox Live Arcade. Y'know what Adventure Island needed? Swords. And less Takahashi Meijin going all 16/sec all over the place. Stone axes just can't compare to genuine swords and sorcery action, even if the platforming is similarly fluffy. Direct from the arcades to the Sega Master System to the XBox 360 comes Wonder Boy in Monster Land, a testament to anthropomorphic animal entrepreneurs. Oh, yeah, and a Wonder Boy saving the princess after being given a sword by an old man living in a cave^H^H^H^Htree. This video review features video gameplay footage of Wonder Boy in Monster Land for XBox 360 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.
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