My home: Nuclear Base. Episode 07: “Locals”

2012-05-31 27

My home: Nuclear Base. Episode 07: “Locals”

There are people, still living in the towns and villages in the steppe, surrounding the testing range. These people witnessed nuclear explosions.

They remember how after the explosions, their windows were broken. An earthquake would shatter some of their houses on the regular base, about one time per month. The radioactive ashes would cover their fields.

Army used to instruct them what to do in case of the explosions: you lie down on the ground and cover your head with something, newspaper for example would do. And they used to do that, about one time per month.

These people never had any help from the government. They don’t really know what word “radiation” mean. Most of them are not dying old. They believe its a normal thing. To die young.

Otherwise they live a simple, normal life.

Short documentary episodes.
Life at the Nuclear Testing Range "Semipalatinsk-21", Kazakhstan.

Producers: Timofey & Konstantin Yuriev
Date: March, 2012
Place: Semipalatinsk-21 (Kurchatov), Kazakhstan
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