GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal Application

2012-05-30 1

The GSM Gateway for PBX connectivity offer a simple, cost saving solution for utilizing the benefit of GSM through your landline phones. The FCT is a simple, cost saving solution, which serves as a gateway between a GSM network and a company’s private branch exchange (PBX)
The GSM Terminal serves as a gateway between a GSM network and your company's private branch exchange. The GSM Modem can be connected to either the trunk or extension connector of a PBX, allowing for its use on the analog extension of an ISDN PBX or with analog PBXs. The PBX can be configured to automatically use a trunk-connected FWT with mobile-targeted calls. The system capitalizes on discounts of cellular tariffs, compared to the DOT on long distance calls. The system accesses the cheapest available route for the outgoing call from the database that is allowed through the system.
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