Laser Fungal Toenails - Kansas City, MO and Overland Park, KS - Podiatrist

2012-05-30 58

Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails - Podiatrist in Kansas City, MO and Overland Park, KS - Thomas Bembynista, DPM
Dr. Thomas Bembynista of KC Foot Care discusses Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails.

Nail Fungus
FDA-Cleared Laser for Treatment of Nail Fungus
Dr. Thomas Bembynista, the current luminary Podiatrist for Sciton ClearSense laser, he has been in practice for 30 years. He speaks across the country and develops webinars for the treatment of nail fungus that are viewed across the world. He is a Diplomate with the American Board of Podiatric Surgery.
Sciton Clear Sense Laser
Nail fungus has been difficult to treat with success. The only options have been topical or oral medication that have shown limited benefit. In addition, the oral medication may cause liver damage. Now there is a laser treatment for nail fungus which is both safe and effective.

Laser Nail Fungus Treatment FAQs
How effective is the Laser procedure?
Current studies show