Zen Therapist with Julie Brigitte Moore - Interview at Canadian Massage Conference 2011

2012-05-29 1

http://www.zentherapist.com http://MassageNerd.com http://MassageNerd.tv I am one of the most sought after Zen Shiatsu Therapists in Canada.

I am an internationally-trained and accomplished Shiatsu Therapist. As a leader in the field of Zen Massage and Spa Therapy, I offer unique services such as Zen Shiatsu, Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage, Bamboo-Fusion Massage, Organic Facial Massage and other hybrid treatments.

I am one of the very few therapists in Canada to be fully accredited in the practice of Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy, the profound barefoot massage. I am a certified Bamboo-Fusion Therapist, the newest trend in the spa industry, as well as the top Canadian Bamboo-Fusion Instructor.

Zen Shiatsu Therapist

As a Zen Shiatsu Therapist, I work with the meridian system to release tension, toxins and blockages, restoring equilibrium and vigor to the body. My deep sense of compassion and keen intuition allow me to develop individualized programs that best serve my clients' specific needs. My practice actually transcends the purely physical, and exudes a Zen quality.

While the word, "zen" is literally translated as "meditation", its true meaning defies definition. The same is true for my work. Even after an invigorating treatment, my clients experience many of the same benefits as with deep meditation. Like the Zen Buddhists who search for truth through meditation, my clients come closer to finding their true state of balance, wholeness, and vitality.

Guest Therapist & Consultant

My skills as a therapist are equally matched by my business acumen. My experience as a Teacher, Marketing & Communications Executive, and Entrepreneur naturally led me to Consulting and Training in the spa and beauty sectors. Throughout these experiences, I have garnered a reputation for in-depth knowledge, integrity and professionalism.

This, in turn, has given rise to yet another outlet for my services -- and a completely new concept in spa circles: As Guest Therapist at your select international spa, you can feature my services for a limited time. Such events provide spa owners with a unique opportunity to raise their profile and increase their business, as they attract both new and existing clients who wish to experience a new modality from a renowned Zen Therapist. To feature me at your luxurious spa for a few weeks in 2011-20012, please email me -- Julie@ZenTherapist.com