Laser Hair Removal Austin 512-444-4600 Call Today

2012-05-28 37

Laser hair removal Austin | Elements Laser Spa was awarded the Best of Citysearch Laser Hair Removal Austin Clinics of 2011 - Their 3rd year in a row after receiving the same in 2009 and 2010.

What makes this achievement even more meaningful is that Citysearch determines the winners of each category according to client reviews. "We have the best clients in Austin and are so proud that they share their laser hair removal Austin experiences with the rest of Texas."

CONTACT US TODAY AT 512-444-4600 so we can schedule a time to help you at one of our Austin, Texas locations:

Elements Laser Spa
607 San Jacinto Blvd, Suite A
Austin, TX 78701
(512) 444-4600

Check out our website, our awards and certifications for laser hair removal Austin at: