On 23 May 2012, Romania had hosted in the splendid venue of Palace of Culture and Education the Academic and Diplomatic Conference: ROMANIA-KAZAKHSTAN: 20 YEAR OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS. A STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP.
The conference was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan-Romania diplomatic relations. A significant celebration, keeping in mind that Kazakhstan is today the most important economic and strategic partner of Romania in Central Asia.
Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania had expressed the commitment of Romania in upholding a strategic relation build with Kazakhstan. Romania has endorsed Kazakhstan reform agenda for the OSCE, had organized the Academic conference marking 20 years of Kazakhstan independence: KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE AND PROGRESS and supporting Astana bid for EXPO 2017 by organizing ASTANA-CAPITAL OF THE FUTURE Exhibition in Bucharest concluded professor Anton Caragea.