M. Susan Walsh is a graduate of the Piedmont School of Professional Massage in Woodbridge, Virginia. She has been in private practice in Northern Virginia since 1998. Susan graduated from the Academy of Lymphatic Studies, Fort Lauderdale, Florida and she is a certified Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist. She studied Reflexology with Claire Marie Miller of Chapel Hill, North Carolina and Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy with Ruthie Piper Hardee of Denver, Colorado. Susan studied Aviana® (Mindful) Touch Therapy with Nancy E. Schmitt at the Aviana Retreat Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Susan studied Indian Champissage™ with Narendra Mehta in Chicago, Illinois and she earned her diploma as a certified practitioner at the London Centre of Indian Champissage Internationale in England. Susan is also a Second Degree Reiki practitioner.