Oleg Bouimer from O Wellness Global - Live Interview

2012-05-24 17

http://www.owellnessglobal.com/ http://massagenerd.com http://fsmta.org This intensive course is based on decades of scientific studies of the effect of massage on athletic performance in the former USSR. It offers a blend of scientific facts presented in understandable terms, and their practical application. It covers pre event, post event and training variations of sports massage.

The wide range of kneading techniques is explored as the main tool in working with muscle while the biomechanics of the therapist are addressed also. This is an invigorating hands-on course with emphasis on working deeper with less effort. It presents scientifically developed tools of massage therapy as an integrative part of the training process in sports.

It gives the edge to therapists working with professional athletes as well as fitness enthusiasts. This course is about having fun while learning how to boost your existing practice now. Super Charge Your Massage Now!