Shilpa delivered a healthy baby at a Khar hospital early this morning. Sister Shamita Shetty, mom Sunanada Shetty and Raj’s entire family was present at the hospital. According to a Website, “A friend who was by Shilpa’s side through the delivery said that Raj was with Shilpa right from the time of her admittance to the time of the actual delivery. The baby was delivered by Dr. Kiran Coelho and Raj caught the process of delivery on his handy cam. He burst into tears the moment he saw the doctor bring the baby out.” Sweeet !!!
First of all, Dr. Kiran Coelho shares her Sirname with the famous writer, and our favorite : ‘Paulo Coelho’. An interesting detail, Something that I had to blurb about
& Secondly, it’s good to know that Raj Kundra was recording the process of his baby’s birth. That’s Damn Sweet . . . King Khan too had recorded the process of both his babies birth. Raj Kundra already sounds like a super loving dad whose going to spoil Junior with all his love and pampering