Eeris Kallil - Intro to CAT (Core Alignment Technique)

2012-05-22 194
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Eeris Kallil is an established Massage Therapist and healing-arts practitioner. She has practiced in America and abroad since 1986. She graduated the Boulder School of Massage in 1988 and became a faculty member there in 1999, teaching Shiatsu, Movement and Massage for Breast Cancer.

Her background includes extensive studies of Zen Shiatsu, Chinese Medicine Theory, and Energy work.

She has developed her own unique intuitive style of work, and founded the Core Alignment Technique.

As a breast cancer survivor she is committed to working with and helping women through their treatments and recovery and to teaching breast cancer massage to certified massage therapists.

Intro to Massage Therapy Supports Healing from Breast Cancer
3 CE Contact Hours

In this intro class you will learn about breast cancer, and what massage therapy can offer to aid the client through her journey. Learn the necessary safety guidelines and how to provide SAFE massage techniques to clients with breast cancer.

Intro to CAT (Core Alignment Technique)
3 CE Contact Hours

Core Alignment Technique (CAT) is a unique mixture of body awareness technique inspired by a Feldenkrais exercise, Shiatsu, and Energy Work. This technique uses slow, repetitive, range-of-motion type movement and stretches. The emphasis is on releasing blockages in the pelvis or shoulders, and aligning the spine. It will improve movement restrictions and increase flexibility. This passive movement work is very relaxing and enables the client to safely re-program old habits and patterns on a physical and energetic level. CAT will takes your bodywork one step further, beyond the traditional prone/supine. Most of the work is done in side position and includes off the table neck techniques.

This work is especially beneficial for clients with chronic back, shoulder and neck pain and stiffness, frozen shoulder, spinal stenosis, and for clients who do not see significant results from regular massage.

Supplies Needed by Students: Pen/paper for note taking