CGRundertow CARTOON NETWORK: PUNCH TIME EXPLOSION for Nintendo 3DS Video Game Review

2012-05-23 2

Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion from Papaya Studios and Crave Entertainment for the Nintendo 3DS. So Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion arrives on the Nintendo 3DS with an awesome title and an awesome premise. This is a blatant Smash Bros. clone, only with a roster of Cartoon Network characters instead of Nintendo mascots. You're playing as a variety of Cartoon Network stars, everyone from Dexter and the Powderpuff Girls to newer stars like Chowder. Unfortunately, the execution is a huge disappointment. It's like someone came up with a great idea, but it had to be rushed out the door as quickly as possible. Rushed development of a licensed game. Imagine that. This video review features video gameplay footage of Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion for the Nintendo 3DS and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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