CGRundertow HUNTED: THE DEMON'S FORGE for PS3 / PlayStation 3 Video Game Review

2012-05-21 1

Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Hunted: The Demon's Forge from inXile Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks for the PlayStation 3. Hunted: The Demon's Forge is also available for Xbox 360 and PC. Hunted is built on a framework that combines two of the industry's most-copied blueprints, mashing a hack and slash design with the third person action that has gotten so prevalent post Gears of War. You're ducking for cover and shooting, but you're doing it in a world that feels like something out of a Tolkien novel. It's a really interesting mixture of ideas, and on paper, it sounds great. The problem is that Hunted doesn't quite live up to the promise of its concept and the biggest reason for that is a general lack of polish. This video review features video gameplay footage of Hunted: The Demon's Forge for the PlayStation 3 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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