CGRundertow LEGO PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN for Nintendo DS Video Game Review

2012-05-21 16

Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean from TT Games and Disney Interactive Studios for the Nintendo DS. LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is also available for the Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Portable. LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is a super-polished action game with a very accessible design, lots of adorable humor and a fantastic LEGO visual style. It's been such a successful template for a reason, and that's because it just works. Of course, the difference this time is there are pirates instead of wookies. The game condenses all the Pirates movies into one video game and gives the player control of all the main characters. Simple as the gameplay is, however, the LEGO titles are always really polished and well-made. That's half-true of the DS version. This video review features video gameplay footage of LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean for the Nintendo DS and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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