CGRundertow SAMURAI WARRIORS CHRONICLES for Nintendo 3DS Video Game Review

2012-05-25 80

Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Samurai Warriors Chronicles from Omega Force and Tecmo Koei for the Nintendo 3DS. Samurai Warriors Chronicles was a launch title for the 3DS, but it was also the worst kind of launch title. This is a textbook example of a publisher throwing a franchise with name recognition on to a new platform as quickly as possible to have their brand along the system at launch. This franchise is the epitome of a button masher in the literal and implied meanings of the term. You're mashing buttons, and it's unabashedly repetitive. Games like this are the reason "hack and slash" is such a descriptive name for their genre. Within the tedious realm of said genre, few games are as popular as Samurai Warriors. This video review features video gameplay footage of Samurai Warriors Chronicles for the Nintendo 3DS and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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