The Gamer Access discusses who we feel will end up on top at E3 2012, Diablo III hitting a pothole at launch, why the delay of Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite is a good thing, and more gaming news and nonsense that listeners have come to expect with Unscripted Access.
E3 2012 is just around the corner and thanks to Jenny Smith, one of our community members, we discuss what we would all like to see from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo and what each company will need to do in order to impress the gaming world. Using the information that has already been given, we predict which company will have the most impressive showing.
Two games which will certainly have a strong presence at E3 2012, but will miss the 2012 year due to delays are Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite. While a majority, if not all of TGA are highly anticipating both releases, we discuss why the delay of both titles is actually appreciated.
There is much more covered this week on Unscripted Access, but we will leave it to your ears to find out the rest. As always we wrap up the show answering the various questions received last week from our dedicated audience who enjoyed Unscripted Access Episode #7. Unscripted Access commence!