CGRtrailers, from Classic Game Room®, presents a look at the behind the scenes work for the sound effects in BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY from Rocksteady and WB Games. Batman: Arkham City was initially released back in October 2011 for consoles we now have the Game of the Year (GOTY) edition coming to shelves with all of the DLC content now bundle together. This video features some gameplay footage from the GOTY edition which shows Nightwing, Robin and Catwoman in action. Along with these previously released expansion packs we now have the brand new Harley Quinn’s Revenge DLC a part of this collection too. This GOTY release will be on May 29, 2012 for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) and Xbox 360 video game consoles. The European launch date is set for September 7, 2012. Enjoy!