Shell's General Counsel on New Frontiers of Legal Risk

2012-05-16 30

Shell's General Counsel on New Frontiers of Legal Risk
American Bar Association Section of International Law - Grand Hyatt
Minimizing risk in a global economy is becoming increasing difficult. Due to the globalization of business, more and more companies interact with a variety of legal regimes and face potential enforcement actions from a multitude of agencies and governments. This, combined with the extra-territorial reach of some U.S. laws, such as the antitrust statutes, export control laws, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Sarbanes-Oxley, and the PATRIOT Act, should cause all companies to ensure they have effective compliance programs to minimize legal exposure. This program provides cutting-edge and practical advice on how to minimize legal risk in a global economy by discussing key components of a global compliance program and the challenges to instilling compliance in various jurisdictions. Our panelists will also discuss how to encourage internal reporting, create an effective hotline program, manage whistle blowers, and protect confidential communications between counsel and clients in a world of differing privilege protections."