Depression Leeds & Homeopathy Sheffield & anxiety Wakefield

2012-05-15 25
Hello, Welcome to Naturally Homeopathic
Thank you for taking the time to find out more about how homeopathy and can help you.
Naturally Homeopathic, run by Sarah Johnston-Knight has been treating people with all kinds of challenges in their lives; physical, mental and emotional for a number of years.
Have you ever been to the doctor only to feel like you haven’t been listened to or understood and come out feeling worse than before?
Have you ever taken medicine prescribed by your doctor only to find that it hasn’t really worked?
Conventional medicine teaches doctors to treat the symptoms of an illness in the body or mind, but not the root cause.

. Sarah can also provide consultations by email, Skype and by phone... so you can be anywhere in the world!
For more information or to book an appointment please call – 01977 620983 or vist our website at