Woman in Moscow Killed By a Kebab Skewer

2012-05-15 125

Woman in Moscow Killed By a Kebab Skewer - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

It's common to see heated arguments on crowded buses, trains, and planes but few go as far as this particular argument went in Moscow.

RIA Novosti, a Russian News agency reports that a fierce argument between two women on a bus resulted in one of the women being tragically stabbed by th other woman using a kabab skewer.

The Moscow News says that the victim passed away at the hospital during an operation.

Why that woman was carrying a skewer may have been related to the Russian holiday in May, during which locals spend time in the countryside and cook meat using skewers.

Around the world, there have been other instances of tragic outcomes in public places over verbal arguments.

In March, 2012, as reported by the New York Times, a Queens man was killed by a train after he fell onto the tracks during a flight in Brooklyn.

In a similar incident, a man in UK had an argument with a woman at a train station, following which he was found dead at the tracks, as reported by East London Times on March 5th, 2012.