Classic Game Room - THUNDER FORCE 6 VI review part 1

2012-05-21 1

Part 1 of 2. Classic Game Room reviews THUNDER FORCE VI 6 for the Japanese Playstation 2 PS2. This Thunderforce 6 review shows the gameplay, graphics, footage and SHMUP goodness that comprises the sixth installment in the Thunder Force series. As far as SHMUPS go, this one is pretty cool. It has a lot of references to the other Thunderforce games like Thunder Force III, Thunder Force IV (aka Lightening Force in the USA) and Thunder Force V. The Free Range weapons is back, as is the Hunter and Craw. Sadly there is not a North American release for this game, or a European or South American release. Classic Game Room went around their helmet and picked up a Japanese PS2 just for this game and our upcoming review of Front Mission 5 (and many other PS1 SHMUPS only available in Japan). The Thunder Force games from Techno Soft have always been fun shooters because of their intense yet interesting gameplay, excellent music and unique style. They are likeable games that somehow differ from the bullet hell seen in other modern shooters. Sure they still have lots of bad guys that fill the screen with lasers and whatever, but the Thunderforce games have always had that something special. We're shocked that this game isn't getting a US release because of the popularity of the previous Thunder Force games on the Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn and Sony Playstation 1. Thunder Force 3, Thunder Force 4 and 5 (and Thunder Force 2) were a blast to play and it is great to see the series revived after 10 years, even if we had to pick up a Japanses copy of the game. The game plays in NTSC so you can easily get a Japanese PS2 and TF6, it just isn't cheap to do so. The first part of this SHMUP space shooter review of Thunder Force IV shows the basics. In part 2 we'll look at the additional ships, more detailed gameplay and replayability. Will Thunder Force IV get an American release? Well, we hope so. I think this game would entertain SHMUP fans around the world, not just in Japan.