Classic Game Room - OUT RUN for Sega Genesis

2012-05-16 11

Classic Game Room HD reviews OUT RUN for the Sega Genesis video game console! Out Run is the Sega arcade classic hit designed by Yu Suzuki. This 16-bit conversion of OutRun on the Genesis looks and sounds brilliant. The Mega Drive handles the gameplay in a more solid way than the Sega Master System, although the Master System version remains excellent, just different. Here on the Genesis we get better graphics and smoother gameplay than the older SMS port which enhanced the arcade feel of this Megadrive game. Outrun on the Genesis has 4 songs instead of the standard 3, the car flips over and over and bodies fly out of it, the graphics on the side of the road have more detail. Out Run is an awesome arcade racer and and excellent driving game. Long before we were all obsessed with driving simulators like Gran Turismo 5 and Forza 2 there was Out Run (with several different arcade configurations like a stand up machine with steering wheel and a car shaped sit down machine that moved with the game). Millions of quarters were plugged into Out Run machines around the world giving us the chance to drive a Ferrari Testarossa convertible with a beautiful, shallow bimbo at our side. Ahhhh, the palm trees, smooth beats and blocky things over the road. OUT RUN! Classic Game Room serves up retro video game reviews for retro gamers and new video gamers alike. Classic Game Room is not to be fooled with. Do not taunt Classic Game Room.