Part 2 of 2. Classic Game Room breaks out a review of BIONIC COMMANDO REARMED for the Xbox 360 live arcade XBLA. This Bionic Commando review shows footage and gameplay that will make your head explode with joy. If you loved the Capcom masterpiece, Bionic Commando on the Nintendo Entertainment System from 1988 (the NES ) then you will LOVE this new Bionic Commando also from CAPCOM, masters of bringing old school retro 2d games back with 3d elements but retaining their 2-D charm. 2008 has been a great year on Xbox Live, we got 1942 Joint Strike and now Bionic Commando. This are reports that we'll be getting a full scale newly made 3D style of Bionic Commando for the Xbox 360 and / or Playstation 3 PS3 video game systems. However I have a hard time believing it'll be any better than this. Rumor has it that Mike Patton of Faith No More fame and Mr. Bungle is doing voices??? Is that true? Squeeze me macaroni, that'd be awesome. Capcom is also working on releasing Street Fighter 4 sometime soon and Mega Man 9.... Holy crap!! What do they put in the water over there at Capcom, awesome-juice? Give me some! Street Fighter IV will be amazing if this restyled, retooled August 13, 2008 release of Bionic Commando is any indication. For 800 Microsoft points you get Bionic Commando: Re-armed, the chance to get achievement points and play co-op with a friend. They even added multiplayer, holy bionic moly!! Classic Game Room was the original classic video game review show on the Internet in 1999-2000, now on DVD. The reviews on the HD series are reviewing PS3, PS2, Genesis, NES, Atari and Xbox 360. XBLA. videos review reviews show wii trailer.