Classic Game Room - BURNOUT PARADISE review Part 1

2012-05-16 1

Part 1 of 2. WATCH IN HIGH DEFINITION. Classic Game Room reviews BURNOUT PARADISE for the Xbox 360, also available for the PS3. This review shows Burnout Paradise gameplay and footage of the massive crashes in Burnout. This game is a blast to play and should appeal to a wide range of gamers. It has cars that drive like cars (not sleds on ice), insane crashes, lots of roads and courses, challenges and jumps... basically it has something for everyone. Burnout Paradise is sold at a bargain price and packs full price value and fun! CGR loves this game and finds the challenges, driving and car collecting addictive and entertaining. It looks amazing in 1080i HD cruising around Paradise City which is a blend of New York City, Chicago, London and a number of other cities. Find hidden jumps, gates to crash through and shortcuts. Can't find all the shortcuts? Well, keep driving and trying to wreck other cars. You'll locate them all on the map eventually. The cars are modeled after real cars... loosely. You'll find cars that resemble the Toyota Supra, Jaguar coupe, Ford GT40, Nissan Skyline, Cadillac and more. Published by EA, Burnout Paradise has a download for bikes. It is playable on XBLA and can also be downloaded for PS3 and played there. Classic Game Room reviews Burnout Paradise in this, the self proclaimed best Burnout Paradise review on YouTube. Why is it the best? Why are hot dogs good? They just are. You can win achievement points and there is a list of all of them available in the game. CGR won a number of gamerpoints during the review as we worked our way up to the A Level license. Classic Game Room.