Classic Game Room - GALAXY FORCE 2 for Sega Genesis

2012-05-23 7

Classic Game Room was the FIRST classic video game review show on the Internet in 1999. Returning in 2008 with new episodes, Classic Game Room breaks out a review of GALAXY FORCE 2 for the Sega Genesis Megadrive 16-bit video game console. The Mega Drive has a number of space related games and first person shooters, Galaxy Force 2 is an arcade port from the arcade machine. This retro old school classic video game allows you to pilot a spaceship through space and fight robots, mecha, mechs and a variety of enemy alien bad guys. Made by Sega, Galaxy Force 2 is a science fiction based fps first person shooter style with a space ship flying through the stars. Do you like Space Harrier, Omega Boost or Project Sylpheed? Then this game might be for you. We didn't think it was one of the best Genesis cartridges but it could have been worse.