Classic Game Room - GOLD'S GYM CARDIO WORKOUT for Wii

2012-05-17 7

Classic Game Room HD reviews GOLD'S GYM CARDIO WORKOUT for Nintendo Wii, a fitness video game for the Wii. This review features gameplay footage from Gold's Gym Cardio Workout on Wii published by Ubisoft. Boxing exercise is nothing new, but now you can have your own, personal trainer on the Nintendo Wii with this creative and catchy video game mixing a cardio workout with Guiter Hero style timing. Not a game (or Wii disc) for everyone, but it does what it was intended to do. It keeps exercise fun and gives the player (or kung-fu student) a bit of incentive to keep going every day and the ability to chart their progress. Gold's Gym Cardio Workout is meant to be played every day or several times a week and has numerous boxing moves and exercise routines. Starting as a beginner you can throw punches, jabs, uppercuts, cross hooks and even dodge punches from an angry robot who is out for your head. Gold's Gym Cardio Workout is an affordable way to have a peppy trainer every day and can be played by kids and adults alike. It may not have bloodthirsty, violent mayhem like some other popular games on the market, but it may appeal to those looking for something to stay in shape so that you can live longer to slay more zombies in video games as you get older! This exercise strength cardio trainer on Wii is reviewed by Classic Game Room HD, reviewing games you'd never expect the show to review... Dig it! An exercise wii video game review about boxing training calorie burning for losing weight and staying in shape with your Wii. Gold's Gym Cardio Workout works with the Wii fit board.