DUI Attorney Ogden Utah. Visit http://www.ogdenutahduiattorney.com/ or call (801) 903-2721 for more DUI defense information in Ogden, UT
In this video, Attorney Michael Reason, a DUI Defense Lawyer in Ogden, discusses the DUI legal limits in the State of Utah.
"The legal limit in Utah is .08% - which translates into about one drink, or less, per hour. If you drink more than one drink per hour, odds are you’re going to be over the .08 legal limit here in the state of Utah.
If you’ve been charged with a DUI or other alcohol related offense, you are facing some very serious consequences. So pick up the phone right now and call me – Michael Reason – to make sure your legal rights are protected."
Reason Law Offices, PLLC
(801) 903-2721 | (801) 915-4700
955 Chambers Street, South Ogden, UT 84403
DUI Attorney in Ogden Utah