Classic Game Room - MONSTERS VS. ALIENS for Wii review

2012-05-10 6

Classic Game Room HD reviews MONSTERS VS ALIENS on Nintendo Wii! This Monsters vs. Aliens review on Wii has gameplay footage of the video game Monsters Vs. Aliens being played on Nintendo Wii. Monsters vs. Aliens from Activision is a video game based on the Dreamworks animated film. How does this version of the game compare when you look at Wii vs. Xbox 360? Watch the review and see! Controls are excellent, graphics and technical quality are sound and this version of Monsters vs. Aliens plays like it was made for the Wii and not to be multi-platform. This is an excellent example of a Wii game that is not "shoveled" over to the console as shovelware, it may not have the sharpness or color saturation but Monsters vs. Aliens for Wii plays well and is the identical version of the game that we played on the 360 except tailored for the Wii. Classic Game Room HD is a Nintendo Wii reviewer reviewing Wii games like Monsters vs. Aliens!