Classic Game Room - BLASTER MASTER for NES review

2012-05-09 2

Classic Game Room was the FIRST classic video game review show on the Internet in 1999. Returning in 2008 with new episodes, Classic Game Room breaks out a review of BLASTER MASTER for the Nintendo Entertainment System from the late 1980's! Developed by Sunsoft this side scrolling/top scrolling adventure science fiction game was years ahead of its time. CGRHD believes it to be one of the best, if not the best game on the 8-bit NES. Flght your way through several levels filled with mutants and monsters in your Sophia tank/truck thing that flies, swims and does all kinds of neat things. Will they ever remake this game for the PS3 or Xbox 360 or Wii? It's amazing!! Be sure to watch the original Classic Game Room episodes. Classic Game Room was the original classic video game review show on the Internet in 1999-2000, now on DVD. Wii, PS3, Xbox 360.