Awesomenauts review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Awesomenauts, a downloadable game from Ronimo Games and Digital Entertainment Pool on the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3. The MOBA is a genre that mostly resides on the PC side of things, but therein lies the beauty of Awesomenauts. This is a multiplayer online battle arena designed as a primer for the console crowd, a way to introduce the genre to people who may not be as familiar with it. There are two teams, each with a base. Whichever team can destroy the other team's base wins, which sounds simple. But the beauty of the genre is the genuine planning required to do so. This is a very complex brand of strategy game, and for the most part, Awesomenautss keeps those basic principles in tact. This video review features video gameplay footage of Awesomenauts for the PlayStation 3 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.
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