Classic Game Room - SUPER R-TYPE for Super Nintendo SNES

2012-05-13 2

Classic Game Room reviews SUPER R-TYPE for Super Nintendo SNES video game console. This Super R-Type review shows gameplay footage from Super RType and it is quite super. The bitch-ass Bydo are back and more numerous than ever and it's up to you and your awesome force cannon and Acura Type-R space ship to wipe them out. Super R-Type from Irem makes a stunning appearance on the SNES gaming console and shines with bright, vibrant colors and non-stop action. Super R-Type is a SHMUP horizontal space ship shooter and as SHMUPS go is one of the most popular and lasting game franchises out there. So grab the SNES controller, turn on the Nintendo and get ready to rock some side scroller space ship shooter action with Super R-Rype! Classic Game Room reviews Super Nintendo snes games and is a snes reviewer reviewing the catalog of games from the early 90's. Also available on the Nintendo Wii Virtual Console, Super R-Type on VC.