Classic Game Room - F.E.A.R. review (FEAR 1)

2012-05-06 2

Classic Game Room HD reviews F.E.A.R. for Xbox 360, also available for PC and Playstation 3 PS3. FEAR 1 is a terrifying shooter where you are the First Encounter Assault Recon team (or F.E.A.R. for short) investigating a terrible weapons contractor cover up that could destroy the world! Paranormal activity, telepathically controlled soldiers and creepy little girls round out an awesome storyline packed with action and gunfights galore. F.E.A.R. is more than just a simple horror survival game, it's an exciting first person shooter (FPS) for those looking for some science fiction awesomeness rather than just multiplayer (although it does have multiplayer). This CGR review of F.E.A.R. 1 has gameplay from FEAR on Xbox 360 showing game play in F.E.A.R. in HD.