Classic Game Room - BIOSHOCK 2 review

2012-05-05 1

Classic Game Room HD reviews BIOSHOCK 2 for Xbox 360, also for Playstation 3 PS3. Return to Rapture as a Big Daddy and tear the place apart with a drill, minigun and new Plasmids! Fans of the original will enjoy this one because it's more of the same but more of the same is fine by me as long as it's Bioshock. While CGR has a few gripes and complaints, I dig this game like a ditch and welcome any adventure in Rapture. This CGR review of Bioshock 2 has gameplay from Bioshock 2 for Xbox 360 (and PS3 is similar) showing Bioshock 2 game play during the reviewing process of the review of Bioshock 2 as it is reviewed.