Chen speaks to Reuters by phone

2012-05-04 29


Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng said on Friday (May 4) that he was increasingly worried after being unable to meet U.S. Embassy officials for two days while in hospital, and repeated his desire to go to the U.S. "for a time".


"My situation is not good. I just found out that my friends were beaten up when they tried to visit me. I haven't been able to meet with the U.S. diplomats for two days. They were not allowed to see me when they came over. The situation is very bad. My wife wanted to go shopping today, but they didn't allow her to go, saying she must get clearance first. Then she was being followed and filmed by at least three people when she eventually went after getting permission. I really hope the Chinese government can live up to the agreement they have reached with the United States."

(REPORTER ASKING: "So you still want to go to the United States right?")

"Yeah, I still want to leave for a time for the time being."

Chen, a self-taught legal activist, was sheltered in the U.S. Embassy for six days until Wednesday (May 2) when he left after U.S.-brokered assurances from the Chinese government that he and his family would receive better treatment inside China.

But within hours, Chen changed his mind and is now under Chinese control in a Beijing hospital where he said he was taken by U.S. officials for treatment for a broken foot and to be reunited with his wife and two young children.

U.S. officials have said they have spoken to Chen by phone, and also met his wife Yuan face-to-face.

On Thursday (May 3) Chen made a dramatic plea for U.S. protection in a call to a congressional hearing, raising pressure on President Barack Obama over his administration's handling of the case.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in Beijing on Thursday and Friday for high-level talks aimed at improving relations that have been overshadowed by the Chen case.

Chen has said he wanted to meet Clinton to ask her for help and to thank her.