Counterfeit money detectors

2012-05-03 18

Counterfeit money detectors are very important. A fake money detector can save you a lot of money. It is a return of investment. Imagine you get one fake bill a month of 100 dollars. You would be losing 1200 dollars a year because of this. A machine doesn`t cost more than 400 dollars. This is a very wise investment for a shops and restaurants where people pay a lot in bills. Go and check out the site
Special counterfeit money detectors. Different brands for great prices!
• Accubanker
• AccuTotal
• Amrotec
• Banlivo
• BetterBusinessElectronics
• Carnation
• Cassida
• Countmax
• CV
• Eyepower
• Royal
• Royal Sovereign
• Surecash
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