Grab a Molson, St. Pauli Girl and Chimay and sing along.. CGR! CGR! CGR! Classic Game Room HD reviews EA Sports 2010 FIFA WORLD CUP of FOSTERS SOUTH AFRICA!!!!! It's the new soccer.... football, I mean football video game from EA. It's like FIFA 10 except better because in this review Tahiti wrecks sh-t and representz (with a Z). 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa is awesome and you know it. I don't need to say it, because you knew it 20 seconds ago before you even read this. You know it now and you knew it then, therefore you know it's the money in stereo. EA Sports kicks the soccer... um, football out of the baseball court with this video game where you push buttons and people do things like real people without buttons. Incredible! This CGR review of 2010 FIFA WORLD CUP SOUTH AFRICA has gameplay from Fifa World Cup South Africa showing football game play in HD awesome action! Go Pens!!!!!