Mod Nation Racers

2012-04-26 4

On your marks, get set, create!

ModNation Racers looks like... well, it looks like whatever you want it to be! You can create your own mod characters, karts and tracks and share them with the world via PlayStation Network. Thanks to the accessible yet infinitely flexible creation tools and the imagination of the community, you might never race the same track or line up against the same mod ever again.

Using the Creation Station to build mods, karts and tracks, there are two tiers of complexity - it's easy to come up with a unique, cool looking creation in minutes, or you can delve deeper and discover just how intricate it can get. Take the mods and karts: you may just choose some favourite parts from those provided, be they haircuts, T-shirts or a hamster in a wheel powering a sports car, add on some stickers and be happy. But with practice you could be layering stickers to create custom badges, changing material properties to get a metallic paint job and much more. The possibilities are endless.

The same applies to creating tracks; laying down your course is simply a matter of driving around a field and using the right stick to adjust the elevation. Then you can choose to auto populate the track, which will add scenery and gameplay elements such as boost pads, jumps and obstacles, and you're ready to race in minutes.

Or, you can pore over the placement of every tree and explosive barrel. You can create multiple routes and shortcuts. You can create mountains, valleys, tunnels and then set the position of the sun so that their shadows cast just where you want them. Or you can simply dump a flock of camels in the middle of a straight road and try to jump them. Everything is up to you.