By Alexis Raymond
This week, Corporate Responsibility Magazine unveiled its 100 Best Corporate Citizens List during a ceremony at the New York Stock Exchange. We in Cisco Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) were proud to see that Cisco is #43.
The rankings are based on performance in seven categories: environment, climate change, employee relations, human rights, governance, finance, and philanthropy.
Cisco was ranked #1 in the corporate governance category, meaning that no other company on the list did a better job of following responsible and ethical business practices.
You are probably thinking, “That’s great, but what, exactly, does it mean for a corporation to be ethical?” At Cisco, we have a Code of Business Conduct (CBC) that boils it down pretty simply for our 70,000+ employees:
We respect each other and encourage personal and professional growth
We use our resources — from computers to paper towels — frugally
We don’t give or accept g