CGRundertow FAMILY FEUD: 2012 EDITION for Nintendo Wii Video Game Review

2012-04-28 23

Family Feud: 2012 Edition review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Family Feud: 2012 Edition from Ludia and Ubisoft for the Nintendo Wii. Family Feud: 2012 Edition is also available for the Xbox 360. This isn't a well made game at all, and yet for all its flaws, we actually had a little bit of fun with it. Much of that has to do with the Mii support. There's still something charming about seeing yourself and your friends in the games you're playing, however poorly animated they may be. It's Family Feud, so the game plays just like the television show. The host gives a survey question, and you have to guess what the most popular answers were. The game includes 48 opposing families to play against, as well as a pool of more than 2,000 questions. This video review features video gameplay footage of Family Feud: 2012 Edition for the Nintendo Wii and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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