Roman Centurions Besiege Colosseum in 'Right-to-Work' Protest

2012-04-17 33

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Men dressed as Roman centurions scuffle with police outside the Colosseum in Rome, creating an unusual attraction. They fight to defend their right to work at tourist attractions, after officials threaten to evict them.

Tourists wandering central Rome on Thursday came across an unusual sight, as a group of men fully clad in Roman centurion costumes scuffled with police.

Complete with red skirts, tunics, armour, swords and feathered helmets, the protesting centurions clashed with police in front of the city's tourist attraction, the Colosseum, built in the times of Ancient Rome.

The policemen arrived at the ancient amphitheatre to enforce an eviction notice to the men, who normally ask tourists for money in exchange for a photograph with them.

Italy's culture ministry said the men had no permits and often harassed and stalked tourists in addition to asking for exorbitant amounts of money.

Davide has been working as a centurion for 14 years and says they are a part of Rome.

[Davide, Centurion]:
"All of a sudden, after 17 years, they want to kick us out. It's absurd. I have been making my living like this, I have supported my wife, my children ... and now they tell me: 'you are out'. This is not possible. We want to be regularized and we want our bread."

Clashes with police broke out when city police arrived to remove two centurions who had occupied part of an arcade.

Some 25 centurions tried to stop the police, but during the scuffles, one of the protesters fell and was slightly injured.

Some onlookers joined in the protest in support of the centurions, saying: "Leave them alone. We are all centurions".