'Like' Russ Howe PTI on Facebook for free weekly tips from Fitness Instructor Russ Howe. Should you do cardio exercise before or after your weights workout? Today, we answer this question for you.
Fitness instructor Russ Howe gives his take on why, in most circumstances, cardio exercise benefits you more if you perform a light warmup and then leave your main cv circuit until after you have hit the weights and performed your gym routine.
Training such as high intensity intervals (HIIT) can pre-exhaust the muscles you intend to work on the weights in the same session and therefore cripple a good resistance session, so we recommend if you intend to do both weights and cardio you structure it like this:
1) Warmup on cardio kit
2) Train with weights
3) Cardio workout
4) Cool down
More weekly tips via the new Facebook page, including easy diet tips, making gym techniques simple as hell, and supplement information explained - all from a REAL Fitness Instructor.