Amy Winehouse Foundation, USA

2012-04-12 1,282

Joe's Pub in New York City is where Amy Winehouse made her U.S. debut in 2007, and now the club is hosting the birth of yet another Winehouse milestone.

The late singer's family is launching the U.S. branch of the Amy Winehouse Foundation, an organization that supports charities helping young people fighting addiction.

Amy's father Mitch said it was one way for the family to cope with her death.

SOUNDBITE: Mitch Winehouse, Amy Winehouse's father, saying (English):

"Our family, has decided there's only one way to deal with this. And that is - roll our sleeves up and get on with the hard work, because really, we don't know any other way. It would be easy, and there are people in this room that have suffered similar tragedies and similar losses, and how easy it is to fall into a depression. We choose not to do that."

During the event, Mitch sang a few jazz standards, including one of Amy's favorites, "Mediation."

Winehouse's mother Janis said she wants to use her experience with Amy to help others.

SOUNDBITE: Janis Winehouse, Amy Winehouse's mother, saying (English):

"It isn't a case of ok -- today addicted, tomorrow you'll be all right. It takes a long time to actually go through that and do it the correct way. So, yes, again, it's perhaps because I know that's how it is, that I am able to actually, yes, put it to use of what I know."

The first donation from the U.S. branch of the organization went to the performing arts institution, the New Orleans Jazz Orchestra.

Winehouse died last year, ending a promising career that was marred by highly publicized battles with drug and alcohol addiction.

Alicia Powell, Reuters.