Classic Game Room HD reviews the legendary Atari 2600 Paddle Controllers for the Atari VCS! Paddle your opponents in games like Warlords, Street Racer, Slot Racers, Video Olympics, Night Driver and Circus Atari. These paddle controllers are different than the Atari 2600 Driving Controllers so watch out, they don't work for the same games!! Indy 500 uses the Driving Controllers. These rugged plastic single button rotating devices are easy to find and collect today for your retro arcade classic video game collection. There are dozens of old school Atari games that use the paddle controllers so find yourself a pair of them and play a friend today. They come in any color you want, as long as it's black. Does not work with Playstation 3 PS3, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360 or Sega Dreamcast. Watch all of the CGRHD reviews today!!