Classic Game Room HD - DIGGER for Playstation 3 review

2012-04-11 14

Classic Game Room HD reviews DIGGER for PS3 Playstation 3, a remake of the 1983 PC computer game by Windmill Software. Digger is downloadable from the Playstation Network and has several new additions that the PC version was without. First of all it has HD graphics and looks great. Digger has been remastered, reworked and re-designed... BUT, it also has the original version of digger with emulated CGR graphics! Fans of the old school classic will be overjoyed to see this. Digger is from Creat and looks similar to the excellent Magic Ball in many areas. Contol a digger through underground tunnels and collect diamonds and bags of money while avoiding bad guys. You have some defense and can shoot but it takes a while to reload. Gameplay is similar to Mr. Do and many ways, and Dig Dug fans will also find much to rejoice about with Digger. All hail retro-remakes with new and old versions attached, very cool. This CGR review of Digger has gameplay from Digger on PS3 showing game play from the Playstation 3 in action as Digger runs in HD.