Classic Game Room reviews NASCAR 2011 THE GAME for Playstation 3 PS3, also available for Xbox 360 and NIntendo Wii. Nascar moves from EA Sports to Acitvision with this arcade style racing game developed by Eutechnyx. The Nascar racing series returns with all the cars, tracks and drivers that Nascar fans love (except that CGR doesn't know any of them). Disco Starslayer rules the review by driving left repeatedly in his #0 Atarks 5201 Ford powered by Vectrex and wins the Piston Cup and the respect of hottie ex-lawyer animated Porsches everywhere. This CGR review of NASCAR 2011 has gameplay from NASCAR 2011 on PS3 (also on Xbox 360 and Wii and Atareks 5201....or not) game play from NASCAR 2011 racing videogame driving game video review.