Body Mass Index

2012-04-05 42 Body Mass Index. Dr. Eric Braverman describes how the Body Mass Index (BMI) Formula is inaccurate and should really be called Baloney Mass Index. As many as 39 percent of Americans who are classified as overweight are actually obese by adiposity measures. Leptin Blood Test is the first blood test useful in the diagnosis and treatment of obesity. Changing and lowering leptin will lead to permanent weight loss. Furthermore, as leptin levels rise significantly, obesity may become irreversible, calling for the public health need for early leptin measurement. The public health crisis of obesity, like diabetes, requires earlier and earlier detection. America’s obese children and young adults need a leptin measurement. Dr. Braverman has created a leptin-adjusted BMI table that can be utilized throughout the country. Call today for more information 1-888-304-7284